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Feb 21, 2016 • Belk Theater
Pricing:Prices Begin at $20.00
Presented by:
YANNI’s World Tour continues with an ALL NEW show for 2016. YANNI and his world-renowned orchestra will perform audience favorites from throughout his career as well as newly reworked arrangements of the classics.
As a true global ambassador for peace, compassion, and understanding, YANNI is one of the most recognizable composers and performers of our time. He is a musical phenomenon—a rare artist whose music transcends geographical borders and touches people of all races and nations.
YANNI has accumulated more than 40 platinum and gold albums, with international sales totaling over 25 million copies, including the 1997 double-platinum Tribute album, which sold more than a million copies within six weeks of its release, and 1994’s Live at the Acropolis, which has sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide (5 million in North America). He has also earned Grammy nominations for his 1992 album Dare to Dream, and the 1993 follow-up, In My Time.
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