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Trey Kennedy: The Are You For Real? Tour

Oct 1, 2021 Knight Theater

  • Pricing:
    Tickets start at $35.00
  • Presented by:


A writer, actor, comedian, and musician – Trey can truly do it all. Best known for his hilariously spot-on sketches that put the perfect comedic spin on the idiosyncrasies of specific groups (“Millennial Girlfriend School”, “Moms and Middle Schoolers During Flu Season Be Like”) Trey has written, produced, and starred in numerous viral videos – racking up millions of views in the process. With a dedicated fan base across every major social media channel, Trey has his finger on the pulse of the content people want now and the creativity to produce it in a way that is completely unique, insightful, and original.

VIP 1 – [Do Less VIP Package]

Includes early entry, crowd-free merchandise shopping, post-show Meet & Greet with Trey, exclusive pre-release of 2 never before seen Trey Kennedy videos, and access to limited tour photography

VIP 2 – [God Bless Premium Package]

Includes early entry, crowd-free merchandise shopping, exclusive pre-release of 1 never before seen Trey Kennedy video and access to limited tour photography

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