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The Southern Gothic
Jul 30, 2015
Pricing:$9.32 in advance - Must be 21 or older
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Started in 2007 by frontman & principal songwriter S. Connor, The Southern Gothic have been bringing their unique brand of sun-baked, road-worn country, southern rock & soul to countless stages & fans across the US. The Southern Gothic has spent the better part of the past three years on the road. When not headlining, they’ve shared stages with such artists as Tim McGraw, Willie Nelson, Big & Rich, Zac Brown Band,Uncle Kracker, Corey Smith, Gloriana, ZZ Top, Heart and more. The diverse nature of the artists with whom they’ve toured again reflects the diversity of the band’s sound. “It works,” says Connor in regard to the varying nature of the audiences. “We’ve played to country crowds, rock crowds, young crowds, old crowds. We’ve played to jam band audiences and we’ve played bluegrass festivals. The response with all of them has been fantastic.” Fantastic enough for Billboard Magazine to notice. TSG was named “Artist on the Verge” in Billboard’s Best Bets after debuting #1 on its Heat Seekers List. 2013 saw the band’s hit single “Sheets Down” stay on the fan-voted CMT Pure Countdown for 4 weeks, resulting in 60k views on YouTube. After hundreds of miles, countless shows and a double-live album (Shuffle & Stomp) the band headed to its new home of Nashville to record demos for their 3rd album in Reba McEntire’s StarStruck Studios. Album to be released later this year.
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