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The Shack Band
Nov 22, 2013
Pricing:$10 - Must be 16 or older
Presented by:
What originally started as an organic, impromptu and free-flowing collection of musicians casually performing in the renovated remains of a dilapidated “shack” in Blacksburg, VA has morphed into what is now The Shack Band. Since 2010, things have changed. The band relocated from Blacksburg to Richmond, VA. A true lineup was established, with four members signing on. The songwriting abilities and sensibilities matured and improved. At the start of 2013, the quartet became a quintet with the addition of a horn player adding more complex arrangements and texture to the band’s already well-established sound. But, the one thing that never wavered was The Shack Band’s intent to wow new crowds with their off-the-cuff, high-energy live shows melding funky rock ‘n’ roll and soaring harmonies with a strong emphasis on song-writing.
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