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So You Think You Can Bark!
Apr 10, 2025 • Knight Theater
Presented by:
So You Think You Can Bark (SYTYCB) is Stand for Animals signature fundraiser to benefit the clinic’s Medical Assistance Fund, helping thousands of dogs and cats in need throughout the year.
Pet-testants, and their human partners, are teamed with force-free dog trainers to learn the coolest tricks, creating routines set to music. Previous SYTYCB Pet-testant acts have showcased their amazing skills, from feats of agility, dog yogini, even “singing” their version of the Lady Gaga hit, “Paw-parrazzi.” A panel of local celebrity judges will choose the top performer and present the award for the most impressive paw-formance! With your help and support, we hope to continue healing animals in need in our community.
Event Showings
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- Add to cal Apr 10 - Thursday at 7:00pm