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Reasons To Be Pretty
Mar 6 - 29, 2014
Pricing:$18 - $28 - for ages 18 and older
Presented by:
CAST presents the regional premiere of Neil LaBute’s latest comedy/drama REASONS TO BE PRETTY, a love story about the impossibility of love.
Do we ever really know what our partner thinks of us? REASONS TO BE PRETTY confronts America’s obsession with physical beauty headlong when Greg, a working-class guy in a long-term relationship, inadvertently remarks to a friend that, compared to a pretty co-worker, his girlfriend is “regular.” This off-hand statement, a slip-of-the-tongue, begins a downward spiral as the characters begin to experience insecurities in their own lives. Is anyone ever totally comfortable in their own skin?
No late seating. Audience has to cross stage to access seats.
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