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Late Night Funny w/ Abraham, HS2, and Idiot Box
Sep 28, 2018 • Knight Gallery at Spirit Square
Presented by:
Part of the Queen City Comedy Experience
Like our 16th president, Abraham is all about exploring problems. Unlike our 16th president, Abraham does pretty well in a theater and problem solves through the Deconstruction form, where an audience suggestion inspires a core two-person relationship and where that relationship fuels point of view, commentary and shenanigans from the rest of the team.
Formed in January 2017 by Justin McNeil and Andrew Gleason, HS2 is a monoscene duo. With a focus on grounded characters and relationship, the duo aims to keep it real, keep it funny, and to keep from breaking.
The Idiot Box
The Idiot Box is an award winning short form improv comedy team out of Greensboro, NC. One of us is crazy. Come see us and try to figure out which one!
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