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FABFEST – Charlotte’s Beatles Festival
Jun 15 - 16, 2019 • Fairfield Inn & Suites
Pricing:Saturday $30, Sunday $25, Combo $50
Presented by:
FABFEST is Charlotte’s Beatles Festival presented by Tosco Music. FABFEST includes two evening events at Knight Theater as well as a 2-day Beatles festival at the Fairfield Inn & Suites. Tickets to daytime and evening events must be purchased separately.
Festival daytime activities include:
Main Stage - Bands, Guitar Mash, Singalongs, Costume Contest, Name That Tune, Trivia Contest, Art Display & Contest, Raffles, Door Prizes, Author's Panel
Marketplace- Vendors, Artists, Authors, Memorabilia, Vinyl, Appraisals
Video Room - Deconstructing the Beatles, rare Beatles footage, etc.
Family Fun Room - Kids Music & Crafts (Yellow Submarine, Octopus's Garden, etc.)
Day tickets are $30 for Saturday, $25 for Sunday, $50 for Saturday & Sunday Combo tickets. Tickets for kids ages 5-17 are 50% off, and children under 5 are free. [Buy Tickets Here]
Evening events at Knight Theater include:
The Fab Four (Friday, June 14) [Buy Tickets Here]
Tosco Music Beatles Tribute (Saturday, June 15) [Buy Tickets Here]
Purchase tickets to any two or more (The Fab Four, Tosco Music Beatles Tribute, FABFEST Day ticket combo) [Buy Tickets Here].
Or, you can enjoy a unique VIP experience with the FABFEST VIP Package – details are here [Learn More Here].
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