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Charlotte Symphony: The Orchestra Games
Feb 28, 2026 • Knight Theater
Pricing:Currently these shows are only available in subscription packages. Please contact Charlotte Symphony Orchestra for more information.
Presented by:
Meet the instruments of the Orchestra in this Olympic-inspired concert right after the Winter 2026 Olympics in Italy. Watch as the orchestra’s strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion compete in fun events like the low-note limbo, fast-note dash, and marathon, showcasing their unique strengths and personalities. Let the games begin! Meet the instruments of the Orchestra in this Olympic-inspired concert right after the Winter 2026 Olympics in Italy. Watch as the orchestra’s strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion compete in fun events like the low-note limbo, fast-note dash, and marathon, showcasing their unique strengths and personalities. Let the games begin!
Event Showings
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- Add to cal Feb 28 - Saturday at 11:00am