On Sale TBA
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Charlotte Symphony: Beethoven Lives Upstairs
Jan 24, 2026 • Knight Theater
Pricing:Currently these shows are only available in subscription packages. Please contact Charlotte Symphony Orchestra for more information.
Presented by:
Classical Kids Live!
History, drama, and music come to life through a lively exchange of letters between young Christoph and his uncle about the "madman" upstairs — Beethoven himself. As Christoph learns about the composer’s genius and struggles, audiences are captivated by the master’s music, including the Moonlight Sonata, Für Elise, and the great Fifth and Ninth Symphonies. The music is magically woven into the drama as two actors share their anecdotes and observations based on true incidents from the composer’s life.
Event Showings
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- Add to cal Jan 24 - Saturday at 11:00am