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Celtic Nights

Mar 22, 2014 McGlohon Theater

  • Pricing:
    Prices begin at $19.50
  • Presented by:


Just as a plant craves light, Celtic people are drawn to music and song. Scattered around the world like seeds on the wind, they are propelled by the powerful rhythms and motifs of a mysterious and exuberant ancient culture. Music is the soul, the very lifeblood of their tradition. It binds them together, even as it sets them apart. This driving passion for music and dance is the keystone of Celtic identity.

Their response to melody, lyric, and the criss-crossing rhythms of Irish dance is reflexive, intuitive, and filled with joy. The Irish embrace their musical culture like no other nation. And their pride in artistry is its own reward. Above all else, it is this natural affinity with music and song that has given Celtic people a truly global voice. A Celtic Voice. Every thundering dance tune and plaintive melody is a separate thread in the broad and colorful tapestry of Celtic music.

In this glittering production, six of Ireland’s most accomplished dancers mirror six of its finest voices to present a spell-binding and exhilarating picture of a proud people, their passion, and their hopes and dreams. It tells the story of the lives and loves of the Celtic exiles who dared to dream big and were doggedly determined to carve out a home in the New World. Their stories live large in the power and majesty of their music and hypnotic fury of dancing Irish feet.

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