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Blessed Assurance
Apr 3 - 12, 2014 • Duke Energy Theater
Pricing:$15 - $22
Presented by:Starving Artist Productions
On the heels of their hilarious DRACULA BITES and the 8th year of THE BIRTH, Starving Artist brings you BLESSED ASSURANCE. BLESSED ASSURANCE, adapted by North Carolina playwright Steve Willis from the novella by North Carolina author Allan Gurganus, continues the company's mission to tell stories you crave born in this region.
BLESSED ASSURANCE is a one-man show, featuring Charlotte acting institution and Starving Artist mainstay James K. Flynn, about Jerry, a 59-year old former insurance salesman trying to come to grips with the life he lived as a young man selling insurance, or assurance as his customers came to call it, to a neighborhood of poor African-Americans in the rural South. Funny, heartwarming and poignant, we hope you can join us for BLESSED ASSURANCE.
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