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Ben Taylor

Apr 15, 2014 Evening Muse

  • Pricing:
    $16.78 in advance
  • Presented by:


Music has always played a central role in Ben's life. His wit and skill as a singer-songwriter showcases an artist who is comfortable in both his own skin and with his impressive musical legacy. His acclaimed previous releases comprise his debut album 2003's Famous Among The Barns, 2005's Another Run Around The Sun, and 2008's The Legend of Kung Folk, Part 1 (The Killing Bite). Highlights from his previous albums include appearances on Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, The CBS Early Show, Last Call with Carson Daly and Howard Stern. Ben also made his acting debut with a recurring role on NBC's American Dreams and has appeared in the pages of People Magazine, Vogue and even on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. His reviews and raves have been steady for over a decade now with more to come. Ben Taylor has previously toured with Sheryl Crow, Blues Traveler and Ziggy Marley among others.

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