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Alex Mauldin
Feb 21, 2014 • Evening Muse
Pricing:$7.46 in advance
Presented by:
Alex Mauldin began piano lessons at age 4 and began composing around age 8. After continued piano study through grade school and high school, he attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, Mass. majoring in Music Synthesis and Film Scoring. Upon returning home from Boston, Alex played keyboards in the progressive rock band VELOCET for 8 years, during that time he also began scoring live theatre productions and that work continues today with the upcoming production of Angels In America at Carolina Actors Studio Theatre, here in Charlotte. His past work with CAST garnered 2 MTA awards for Outstanding Original Music for the productions of "Metamorphoses" and again for "Marat Sade". The latter production was also awarded "Best Sound esigner/Composer" by Creative Loafing in the annual Theatre Awards edition.. He was awarded for Achievement in Original Music by The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts-American College Theatre Festival in 2009. In 2009 Alex began film scoring and has scored 3 feature length films and 10 short films. February 21st at The Evening Muse marks a return to solo piano performance, no speakers and no wires, just real and raw in the intimate setting of one of the coolest rooms in Charlotte.
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