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Charlotte Symphony Summer Pops: Celebrate America
Jul 1, 2017 • Symphony Park at Southpark
Pricing:$5 - $16 in advance, $7- $18 at the door. Children 12 and under free.
Presented by:
Albert-George Schram, conductor
Join your Charlotte Symphony for a rousing salute to America with a night of patriotic favorites including Sousa Marches, God Bless America, the Armed Forces Medley--all topped off by a spectacular fireworks finale.
For Premium Club Seating, visit www.charlottesymphony.org/summerpops2017 or call Charlotte Symphony Ticket Services at 704-972-2000.
Tickets are available online until 11:59 pm the day before the concert. Tickets can be purchased at Symphony Park beginning at 4 pm the day of the concert.
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